TITLE, VERSES, KEYS, SAMPLE AUDIOAlmighty Father Strong to Save 4 versesHi Db
Lo Ab
Are You Washed in the Blood 4Hi Ab
Lo Eb
Christ Arose 3Hi Bb
Lo F
Christ the Lord is Risen Today 4Hi C
Lo G 
Cleanse Me 4Hi F
Lo C 
Faith Of Our Fathers 3Hi G
Lo D 
Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah 3Hi G
Lo D
I Will Sing of My Redeemer 4Hi Ab
Lo Eb
In the Garden 3Hi Ab
Lo Eb
Jesus I Come 4Hi G
Lo D
Jesus Paid It All 4Hi Db
Lo Ab 
Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee 4Hi G
Lo D
Like a River Glorious 3Hi F
Lo C
May Jesus Christ Be Praised 4Hi C
Lo G
O Day of Rest and Gladness 4Hi Eb
Lo Bb
O How He Loves You and Me 2Hi Ab
Lo Eb
Rejoice the Lord Is King 4Hi Db
Lo Ab
Rejoice Ye Pure In Heart 4Hi F
Lo C
Tell It to Jesus 4Hi G
Lo D
The Comforter Has Come 3Hi Bb
Lo F
The Love of God 3Hi D
Lo A
There Shall Be Showers of Blessing 4Hi Bb
Lo F
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus 3Hi F
Lo C
We Believe In One True God 3Hi Eb
Lo Bb
We're Marching to Zion 4Hi F
Lo C
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Cleanse Me 4Hi F

Faith Of Our Fathers 3Hi G

Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah 3Hi G

Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee 4Hi G

Played on piano and organ in hymnal style by church accompanists. Each song begins with the last line introduction and is followed by all the verses. Order a CD in high keys, low keys or get one CD of each for just $4 more.