TITLES, VERSE COUNT, KEYS, SAMPLES All Creatures of Our God and King 5Hi Eb Lo Bb Alleluia Sing to Jesus 3Hi Ab Lo Eb Bind Us Together 1Hi F Lo C Blessed Assurance 3Hi D Lo A Bring Them In 3Hi Ab Lo Eb Christ Whose Glory Fills the Skies 3Hi F Lo C Come Thou Almighty King 3Hi G Lo D Day By Day 3Hi Eb Lo Bb Fairest Lord Jesus 4Hi Eb Lo Bb Give Me Thy Heart 3Hi F Lo C God Will Take Care of You 4Hi Bb Lo F Hallelujah What a Savior 5Hi Bb Lo F He Hideth My Soul 4Hi D Lo A I Have Decided to Follow Jesus 5Hi C Lo G I Need Thee Every Hour 4Hi G Hi D I Surrender All 4Hi Db Lo Ab Jesus is Calling 4Hi Bb Lo F Jesus the Very Thought of Thee 4Hi G Lo D Just As I Am 4Hi Db Lo Ab Let Us Break Bread Together 3Hi Eb Lo Bb Lord Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing 3Hi Eb Lo Bb Love Lifted Me 3Hi Bb Lo F My Savior First of All 4Hi G Lo D The Lord Bless You and Keep You 1Hi C Lo G When I Survey the Wondrous 4Hi F Lo C Our organ hymns CD 2 songs were played on church organ by a church organist in hymnal style. Each track begins with the last line introduction and is followed by all the verses. Order a CD in high keys, low keys or get one CD of each for just $4 more.
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