Piano Organ Hymn CD 1 TITLE, VERSES, KEYS, SAMPLE AUDIOA Mighty Fortress 4 VersesHi in C
Lo in G
Amazing Grace 4Hi G
Lo D
And Can It Be 4High G
Lo D
Be Still My Soul 3Hi F
Lo Bb
Because He Lives 3Hi Ab
Lo Eb
Blessed Redeemer 3Hi D
Lo A
Blest Be the Tie that Binds 4Hi F
Lo C
Come Thou Fount 3Hi D
Lo A
Crown Him With Many Crowns 4Hi Eb
Lo Bb
For the Beauty of the Earth 4Hi Ab
Lo Eb
Glory Be to the Father 1Hi D
Lo A
Grace Greater Than Our Sin 4Hi G
Lo D
Great Is Thy Faithfulness 3Hi D
Lo A
Have Thine Own Way Lord 3Hi Eb
Lo Bb
His Eye Is On the Sparrow 3Hi C
Lo G
How Great Thou Art 4Hi Bb
Lo F
My Jesus I Love Thee 4Hi F
Lo C
O How I Love Jesus 3Hi G
Lo C
Doxology-Praise God From Whom 1Hi G
Lo D
Praise to the Lord the Almighty 3Hi G
Lo D
Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us 4Hi D
Lo A
Take My Life and Let It Be 3 Hi F
Lo C
(On Christ) The Solid Rock 4Hi F
Lo C
Victory In Jesus 3Hi G
Lo D
What a Friend We Have in Jesus 3Hi F
Lo C
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Played on piano and organ in hymnal style by church accompanists. Each song begins with the last line introduction and is followed by all the verses. Order a CD in high keys, low keys or get one CD of each for just $4 more.