Vol 5 Piano Organ Hymn USB TITLES, VERSES, KEYS, SAMPLE AUDIOA Shelter in the time of Storm 4Hi F
Lo G
All for Jesus 4Hi Db
Lo Ab
Anywhere With Jesus 4Hi D
Lo A
At the Cross 4Hi Eb
Lo Bb
Burdens Are Lifted at Calvary 3Hi F
Lo C
Children of the Heavenly Father 4Hi D
Lo A
Count Your Blessings 4Hi D
Lo A
For All the Saints 5Hi G
Lo D
God of Our Fathers 4Hi Eb
Lo Bb
Higher Ground 4Hi G
Lo D
His Name is Wonderful 1Hi F
Lo C
How Firm a Foundation 5Hi Ab
Lo Eb
I Just Keep Trusting My Lord 2Hi F
Lo C
I'll Fly Away 3Hi Ab
Lo Eb
In My Heart There Rings a Melody 3Hi G
Lo C
Jesus Is All the World to Me 4Hi G
Lo D
Jesus, Lover Of My Soul 4Hi Em
Lo Bm
Lead On O King Eternal 3Hi Db
Lo Ab
Leaning On the Everlasting Arms 3Hi Ab
Lo Eb
Living For Jesus 3Hi Eb
Lo Bb
More About Jesus 4Hi G
Lo D
Oh, To Be Like Thee 3Hi D
Lo A
Sun of My Soul 4Hi F
Lo C
Were You There 4Hi Eb
Lo Bb
What a Wonderful Savior 4Hi D
Lo A
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We will load a USB Flash drive with 25 piano/organ accompaniment MP3 files. Simply insert the Piano Organ Flash into a USB port on a personal computer and you can copy and play the files in your services as needed. Please note: Multiple flash drive orders (such as ordering volumes 1 and 2) will be loaded on one single flash drive. If you happen to require separate flash drives for separate flash items, please indicate that in your order comment during checkout. Order high keys or low. Order both and we'll load both on your thumb drive for just $4 more.