A Mighty Fortress 4 VersesHi in C
Lo in G
Amazing Grace 4Hi G
Lo D
And Can It Be 4High G
Lo D
Be Still My Soul 3Hi F
Lo Bb
Because He Lives 3Hi Ab
Lo Eb
Blessed Redeemer 3Hi D
Lo A
Blest Be the Tie that Binds 4Hi F
Lo C
Come Thou Fount 3Hi D
Lo A
Crown Him With Many Crowns 4Hi Eb
Lo Bb
For the Beauty of the Earth 4Hi Ab
Lo Eb
Glory Be to the Father 1Hi D
Lo A
Grace Greater Than Our Sin 4Hi G
Lo D
Great Is Thy Faithfulness 3Hi D
Lo A
Have Thine Own Way Lord 3Hi Eb
Lo Bb
His Eye Is On the Sparrow 3Hi C
Lo G
How Great Thou Art 4Hi Bb
Lo F
My Jesus I Love Thee 4Hi F
Lo C
O How I Love Jesus 3Hi G
Lo C
Doxology-Praise God From Whom 1Hi G
Lo D
Praise to the Lord the Almighty 3Hi G
Lo D
Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us 4Hi D
Lo A
Take My Life and Let It Be 3 Hi F
Lo C
(On Christ) The Solid Rock 4Hi F
Lo C
Victory In Jesus 3Hi G
Lo D
What a Friend We Have in Jesus 3Hi F
Lo C
PIANO/ORGAN Duo Vol 2 USB All Creatures of Our God and King 5 Verses
Hi Eb
Lo Bb
Alleluia Sing to Jesus 3Hi Ab
Lo Eb
Bind Us Together 1Hi F
Lo C
Blessed Assurance 3Hi D
Lo A
Bring Them In 3Hi Ab
Lo Eb
Christ Whose Glory Fills the Skies 3
Hi F
Lo C
Come Thou Almighty King 3Hi G
Lo D
Day By Day 3Hi Eb
Lo Bb
Fairest Lord Jesus 4Hi Eb
Lo Bb
Give Me Thy Heart 3Hi F
Lo C
God Will Take Care of You 4Hi Bb
Lo F
Hallelujah What a Savior 5Hi Bb
Lo F
He Hideth My Soul 4Hi D
Lo A
I Have Decided to Follow Jesus 5Hi C
Lo G
I Need Thee Every Hour 4Hi G
Lo D
I Surrender All 4Hi Db
Lo Ab
Jesus is Calling 4Hi Bb
Lo F
Jesus the Very Thought of Thee 4Hi G
Lo D
Just As I Am 4Hi Db
Lo Ab
Let Us Break Bread Together 3Hi Eb
Lo Bb
Lord Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing 3Hi Eb
Lo Bb
Love Lifted Me 3Hi Bb
Lo F
My Savior First of All 4Hi G
Lo D
The Lord Bless You and Keep You 1Hi C
Lo G
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross 4Hi F
Lo C
PIANO/ORGAN Duo Vol 3 USBA Change to Keep I Have 4Hi C
Lo G
Abide With Me 4Hi Eb
Lo Bb
All Hail the Power 4Hi G
Lo C
All the Way My Savior Leads Me 3Hi G
Lo C
Be Thou My Vision 5Hi Eb
Lo Bb
Breathe On Me Breath of God 4Hi F
Lo C
By the Sea of Crystal 4Hi G
Lo D
Come Thou Long Expected Jesus 2Hi F
Lo C
Give Me Jesus 3Hi A
Lo F
Go Ye Into All the World 4Hi Ab
Lo Eb
He Leadeth Me 4Hi Db
Lo Ab
He Lives 3Hi Bb
Lo F
I Know Whom I Have Believed 4Hi Eb
Lo Bb
O Sacred Head Now Wounded 3Hi C
Lo G
Rock of Ages 3Hi Bb
Lo F
Softly and Tenderly 3Hi G
Lo D
Sweet Hour of Prayer 3Hi C
Lo G
Take Time to Be Holy 3Hi F
Lo C
Tell Me the Old Old Story 3Hi C
Lo G
The Master Has Come 3Hi F
Lo C
Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus 4Hi G
Lo D
Trust and Obey 4Hi F
Lo C
We Gather Together 3Hi D
Lo A
Whiter Than Snow 4Hi Ab
Lo Eb
Wonderful Words of Life 3Hi E
Lo B
PIANO/ORGAN Duo Vol 4 USBAt Calvary 4Hi C
Lo G
Beneath the Cross of Jesus 3Hi Db
Lo Ab
Break Thou the Bread of Life 4Hi D
Lo A
Bringing in the Sheaves 3Hi Bb
Lo F
Christ For the World We Sing 4Hi F
Lo C
Faith Is the Victory 4Hi F
Lo C
God Be With You 4Hi C
Lo G
He Lifted Me 4Hi F
Lo C
Holy Holy Holy 4Hi D
Lo A
I Love to Tell the Story 4Hi G
Lo D
It Is Well With My Soul 4Hi C
Lo G
Jesus Shall Reign 4Hi D
Lo A
O For a Thousand Tongues 5Hi Ab
Lo Eb
O Worship the King 4Hi Ab
Lo Eb
Power In the Blood 4Hi Bb
Lo F
Shall We Gather At the River 4Hi D
Lo A
Spirit of God Descend Upon My Heart 4Hi C
Lo G
Surely Goodness and Mercy 3Hi Eb
Lo Bb
The Family of God 2Hi F
Lo C
There Is a Fountain 5Hi Bb
Lo F
To God Be the Glory 3Hi Ab
Lo Eb
Trusting Jesus 4Hi F
Lo C
When All the Mercies 4Hi G
Lo D
Will Jesus Find Us Watching 4Hi A
Lo E
Wounded For Me 5Hi Eb
Lo Bb
PIANO/ORGAN Duo Vol 5 USBA Shelter in the time of Storm 4Hi F
Lo G
All for Jesus 4Hi Db
Lo Ab
Anywhere With Jesus 4Hi D
Lo A
At the Cross 4Hi Eb
Lo Bb
Burdens Are Lifted at Calvary 3Hi F
Lo C
Children of the Heavenly Father 4Hi D
Lo A
Count Your Blessings 4Hi D
Lo A
For All the Saints 5Hi G
Lo D
God of Our Fathers 4Hi Eb
Lo Bb
Higher Ground 4Hi G
Lo D
His Name is Wonderful 1Hi F
Lo C
How Firm a Foundation 5Hi Ab
Lo Eb
I Just Keep Trusting My Lord 2Hi F
Lo C
I'll Fly Away 3Hi Ab
Lo Eb
In My Heart There Rings a Melody 3Hi G
Lo C
Jesus Is All the World to Me 4Hi G
Lo D
Jesus, Lover Of My Soul 4Hi Em
Lo Bm
Lead On O King Eternal 3Hi Db
Lo Ab
Leaning On the Everlasting Arms 3Hi Ab
Lo Eb
Living For Jesus 3Hi Eb
Lo Bb
More About Jesus 4Hi G
Lo D
Oh, To Be Like Thee 3Hi D
Lo A
Sun of My Soul 4Hi F
Lo C
Were You There 4Hi Eb
Lo Bb
What a Wonderful Savior 4Hi D
Lo A
PIANO/ORGAN Duo Vol 6 USBAlmighty Father Strong to Save 4 versesHi Db
Lo Ab
Are You Washed in the Blood 4Hi Ab
Lo Eb
Christ Arose 3Hi Bb
Lo F
Christ the Lord is Risen Today 4Hi C
Lo G 
Cleanse Me 4Hi F
Lo C 
Faith Of Our Fathers 3Hi G
Lo D 
Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah 3Hi G
Lo D
I Will Sing of My Redeemer 4Hi Ab
Lo Eb
In the Garden 3Hi Ab
Lo Eb
Jesus I Come 4Hi G
Lo D
Jesus Paid It All 4Hi Db
Lo Ab 
Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee 4Hi G
Lo D
Like a River Glorious 3Hi F
Lo C
May Jesus Christ Be Praised 4Hi C
Lo G
O Day of Rest and Gladness 4Hi Eb
Lo Bb
O How He Loves You and Me 2Hi Ab
Lo Eb
Rejoice the Lord Is King 4Hi Db
Lo Ab
Rejoice Ye Pure In Heart 4Hi F
Lo C
Tell It to Jesus 4Hi G
Lo D
The Comforter Has Come 3Hi Bb
Lo F
The Love of God 3Hi D
Lo A
There Shall Be Showers of Blessing 4Hi Bb
Lo F
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus 3Hi F
Lo C
We Believe In One True God 3Hi Eb
Lo Bb
We're Marching to Zion 4Hi F
Lo C
Hymns Piano Organ USB is for all 6 volumes piano organ hymns USB loaded onto a single USB thumb drive. Each hymn begins with the last line into followed by all the verses in hymnal style. Simply insert the flash drive into a USB port on a personal computer and you can copy and play the files in your services as needed. Please note: Multiple flash drive orders (such as ordering volumes 1 and 2) will be loaded on one single flash drive. If you happen to require separate flash drives for separate flash items, please indicate that in your order comment during checkout. Order high keys or low. Order both and we'll load both on your thumb drive (300 files) for just $24 more.
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A Mighty Fortress 4 VersesHi in C

Hi Eb

Hi F

Cleanse Me 4Hi F

Faith Of Our Fathers 3Hi G

Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah 3Hi G

Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee 4Hi G

2 Reviews
All six volumes of hymns on 1 flash drive (piano and organ)
This is an amazing product. It works with our computer and blue tooth and sounds amazing. The price feels like a steal. I pastor two small churches and bought one for each church. The sound is great!
Piano-Organ Duo hymns
I recently purchased your Piano-Organ Duo hymns and have started reviewing them. I have found the quality to be excellent. Thank you so much for this ministry tool!